
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Ep 141 How to Get Something Done
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Are you finding it difficult to finish tasks or get anything accomplished since your spouse died? It is possible to commit to doing something and follow through on it. Here is a short boost to help you tackle that ONE thing this month! Email me at joann@joannthelifecoach.com Subscription membership: https://widowcoachingcenter.com

Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Ep 140 Self Care That Might Surprise You
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Have you ever read about "self-care" and think you need to scheduled the beauty spa? Or maybe it felt like you have to be completely selfish about your time - taking care of you at the expense of everyone else around you. A fellow professional life coach shared a post that beautifully defined what self-care means to her. It is with Corinne Crabtree's permission that I am sharing her post with you. You might be very surprised at what self-care can be. Email: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com Subscription membership: https://widowcoachingcenter.com

Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Ep 139 Fear of Doing Things Alone
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Have you ever wanted to just go out to a new restaurant, but the thought of going there alone as "party of 1" is daunting? How do you tackle doing things alone? This subject came up more than ever after I sold my house in New York, drove to Texas and bought a new place here. I was constantly being asked, "How did you move and drive across country alone?" Today I help you understand why this feels scary and how to overcome that fear. Email me at joann@joannthelifecoach.com Check out the membership! Subscription membership: https://widowcoachingcenter.com

Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Ep 138 Change How You See Yourself
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
How do you change how you see yourself? There is an entire before and after process to being able to see yourself differently. But first, you need to decide how it is you WANT to see yourself! Today I share the process of being able to shift into a new view of YOU.
Step into new shoes of new you
Take a chance on YOU
New habit stacks
Letting go of old you
email: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com Subscription membership: https://widowcoachingcenter.com

Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Ep 137 Widowed Financial Security
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
So many widows have told me their biggest need right now is to feel financially secure. Your spouses passes on, any income they were contributing to the household stops, but your bills don't. Let me see if I can help demystify all the fear and drama around money. As a widow who has worked long and hard on my own money beliefs and found my way to being able to stand on my own two feet financially, I want to share with you what can hold you back from doing the same. Email me at joann@joannthelifecoach.com Check out the subscription membership at https://widowcoachingcenter.com

Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Ep 136 Attitude Can Make All The Difference
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Widows - Is your attitude sad, depressed, angry? Today I share how my attitude almost got the better of me - yes, even after all these years of being a life coach! Here's the difference your attitude can make and the fundamental steps to being able to shift your attitude into something that feels amazing. Reach out to me at Joann@JoannTheLifeCoach.com If you are interested in becoming a certified widow coach, the next class begins soon! Reach out to me! Website: https://joannthelifecoach.com

Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Ep 135 Widows Moving Forward
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
When widows are told, "Hey, you just need to move on," we find it very offensive. It feels like we are being pushed to let go of our marriage, our spouse, and all those memories. But asking widows what they need, many have told me they need to know how to move forward. There's a distinctinction. It is not leaving behind our grief and our spouse. It is finding the ability to being to live our life again. I share with you why that key "moving forward" is so hard for us, and how you can begin to take steps out of that stuck rut. Reach out to me at Joann@JoannTheLifeCoach.com Check out the subscription community at https://widowcoachingcenter.com

Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Ep 134 Find Confidence Again After Becoming Widowed
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
When I asked widows what the #1 thing was they want to change in their life, it was overwhelmingly "Confidence." It happens to us and frankly, really took me by surprise that this was part of my grief. Widows often feel scared to get out and do things, or just feel totally lost. This episode covers how to rebuild that lost confidence. You'll learn how to begin taking action again in your life. I can be reached at Joann@JoannTheLifeCoach.com To check out the online subscription membership community, go to https://widowcoachingcenter.com

Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Ep 133 Widows, What Do You Want For Your Life
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
In the beginning, as widows, we may find comfort in thinking we can do what our spouse would want for us. They would not want us to live a sad, lonely life. But there came a time that I realized what I really needed was to do exactly what *I* wanted for my life. I wanted to be striving for living an extraordinary life! I realized that for all of us, it can be daunting to even figure out what we are passionate about and what we do want. So I searched through articles for ideas and insights, and then added my special sauce to it all to help you figure out what it is that YOU WANT. You can reach me in email at Joann@JoannTheLifeCoach.com Get on the wait list for subscription membership online at https://widowcoachingcenter.com My website: https://joannthelifecoach.com

Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Ep 132 Can You Love Being Right Where You Are?
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Do you think moving somewhere else would make you happier? Maybe it will, but maybe it won't . The truth is this: You need to be able to be happy right where you are before you can happier elsewhere. Whaaatttt? It is true! Today I share my long journey to selling my house and moving. A big part of that journey was finding all the emotions I wanted to feel right where I was. Learn more about exploring your emotional life at https://widowcoachingcenter.com

Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Ep 131 Widows Who No Longer Cook Because . . . .
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Does this sound like you? “I used to LOVE cooking for him.” “I don't have a passion for it anymore...and I'm not sure when I ever will again..” “It’s not fun cooking or baking for yourself." Now, more than ever, it is so important to feed yourself well and look after yourself. So let's get empowered about feeding ourselves! Special thanks to the widows who follow me on Facebook in "Widows Empowering Widows" for bringing up this topic and contributing to the ideas shared on this episode. You can reach me at Joann@JoannTheLifeCoach.com Check out our subscription membership at: https://widowcoachingcenter.com

Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Ep 130 Emotions Can Fuel You and Your Life
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Did you know that everything we do, how we act and show up in the world, and even everything we avoid doing is because of how we are feeling emotionally? Our emotions drive our actions and our life. When you know and understand this, you can even begin to choose the emotions you want to create the life you are wanting. You can choose a result you want in your life and then find the emotion that supports it. Learn more on the podcast. https://joannthelifecoach.com Email me at Joann@JoannTheLifeCoach.com

Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Ep 129 Widows Struggling With Loneliness
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Probably the most devastating - or what my clients would describe as the most devastating thing about being widowed is loneliness. I know a lot of you take loneliness very seriously, you think it's a very big problem. It really does not have to be, so that's what we're going to talk about today. You can reach me at Joann@JoannTheLifeCoach.com Check out the subscription membership at https://widowcoachingcenter.com

Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Ep 128 How Your Beliefs Manifest in Your Life
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Why are your beliefs so very important to explore? Because your current set of beliefs are playing thoughts in your mind that absolutely manifest the exact life you are living. I teach the coaching model and the truth is, whether you actually know and understand the model or not, you have models playing out in your life constantly. The only difference is they are playing by default instead of you being consciously aware of those models and choosing what you want to belief and create in your world. Listen to learn more about how your beliefs play out in your feelings and your actions to create the life you are living. website: https://joannthelifecoach.com email: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com

Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Ep 127 Encore Presentation of How to Have a Better Life
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Encore presentation - As a widow do you wonder how to make your life better now that you are on your own? As you have been moving through this journey of grief, have you felt like something has to change - somehow this has to get better? On today's episode, I share with you how to make your life better. If you are interested in learning to life coach, go to http://widowcoaches.com or even better, I can be reached at joann@joannthelifecoach.com