
Friday Jun 03, 2016
Ep 22: Dare to Begin
Friday Jun 03, 2016
Friday Jun 03, 2016
Perhaps you feel you would like to find your way out of the widow fog - the stuck place, but have no idea how to "Dare to Begin." I can help you through that so you do not reflect back on your life 5 years down the road and feel you wasted so many good years stuck in your life after the loss of your spouse. Widows know only too well how precious every day is, so do not waste another day, another week - do not waste years feeling stuck and frozen in time. Dare to Begin. You can schedule that free mini session with me at http://talktojoann.com or email me at joann@joannthelifecoach.com

Friday May 27, 2016
Ep 21: Widow, How To Survive This?
Friday May 27, 2016
Friday May 27, 2016
The most asked question by widows is how to survive this? In this episode I talk about what my own research has turned up on this and the things I feel have contributed to my being able to survive widowhood. Email Joann at joann@joannthelifecoach.com Schedule a free mini session at http://talktojoann.com

Thursday May 19, 2016
Ep 20: So Are You Over It? When?
Thursday May 19, 2016
Thursday May 19, 2016
Have you felt like as a widow you are supposed to be "over it" at some point? Have you been asked, "Why aren't you over it now?" We've all been there with that. I share how my life has moved forward, even though "over it" is not a destination. I am also on a mission and share this with you. My mission is 100 free transformations in 60 days. Schedule a free mini session and a chance to win a free $100 Amazon gift card at http://talktojoann.com You can email me at joann@joannthelifecoach.com I love to hear from you!

Friday May 13, 2016
Ep 19: Interview with Sarah Joyce Michel
Friday May 13, 2016
Friday May 13, 2016
Sarah Joyce Michel is a remarkable women. Widowed in her early 50s, she shares with us a story of delayed grief, post-traumatic stress reaction and incredible post-traumatic growth. Today she joins me to be interviewed on Widow Cast. You can reach out to me in email at joann@joannthelifecoach.com or visit my website at http://joannthelifecoach.com As a life coach and having been widowed myself, I coach other widows. If you are interested, you can schedule a free mini session with me at http://joannthelifecoach.com/work-with-me/

Friday May 06, 2016
Ep 18: Post Traumatic GROWTH
Friday May 06, 2016
Friday May 06, 2016
Have you experienced post-traumatic stress as a widow? Suddenly crying for no reason? How about this - post-traumatic GROWTH? The amazing discovery of talking to and coaching widows is PTSD in widows and the amazing phenomena of post-traumatic growth. You can email me at joann@joannthelifecoach.com Check out my website at http://joannthelifecoach.com Free life coaching mini session is available at http://joannthelifecoach.com/work-with-me/

Friday Apr 29, 2016
Ep 17: Interview with Ann Bacciaglia-The Widows Journey Over the Years
Friday Apr 29, 2016
Friday Apr 29, 2016
How does life look after that first year as a widow, the second, the third and the fourth? Ann Bacciaglia will have been widowed 5 years this August, and she shares her story with us exactly how it unfolded over the years of her journey. How do you begin to redefine yourself? Joann The Life Coach Free Mini Session: http://joannthelifecoach.com/work-with-me/ Email Joann at Joann@joannthelifecoach.com

Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Ep 16: Interview with Dr. Joanne Royer
Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Special edition - Interview with Joanne Royer, PhD of Change Agent & Associates who became widowed at a very young age to share her story and insights gained over the years. Joanne Royer's website is http://www.joanneroyerphd.com You can find Joann Filomena at http://joannthelifecoach.com and reach out to me in email at joann@joannthelifecoach.com

Thursday Apr 14, 2016
Ep 15: Landmark Days in Grief
Thursday Apr 14, 2016
Thursday Apr 14, 2016
Milestones dates on your calendar after the death of your spouse like Christmas, Fourth of July, anniversaries, birthdays; these can be very difficult spent alone. Even small milestones can bring back that flood of memories and loss. As a widow, you do move forward in life and learn how to pass through these significant calendar dates. Reach out to me at Joann@joannthelifecoach.com or visit my website at http://joannthelifecoach.com

Friday Apr 08, 2016
Ep 14: The Gift in Widowhood
Friday Apr 08, 2016
Friday Apr 08, 2016
Is there a gift in even in becoming widowed? Can living your life and being happy again coexist with grief? Many widows have found just that. I share how this happened for me. I am Joann Filomena, certified life coach and weight coach. Email me at joann@joannthelifecoach.com or visit my website at http://joannthelifecoach.com

Friday Apr 01, 2016
Ep 13: Funerals, life after, and after life
Friday Apr 01, 2016
Friday Apr 01, 2016
Did your spouse have specific wishes to be cremated or other funeral arrangements? How does a widow handle those requests, especially if she really wants something to be done differently? This and paranormal phenomena that can take place after death. I share my own experiences with both of these things. Email me and let me know what your experiences have been - at Joann@joannthelifecoach.com Website: http://joannthelifecoach.com

Friday Mar 25, 2016
Ep 12: What Are Your Basic Needs and Priorities?
Friday Mar 25, 2016
Friday Mar 25, 2016
Widows often find great gaps in their support structure of daily life. As a life coach, I've helped others look at their priorities and needs so they can start building a plan for their life. Widows especially need this. After the initial shock of losing your spouse, you begin to move out of the fog of those early days and weeks and wonder “what’s next?” Today I share with you one of the tools you can use to begin discovering what you want and need in your life. email: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com Website: http://joannthelifecoach.com

Friday Mar 18, 2016
Ep 11: Finding Yourself Again As A Widow
Friday Mar 18, 2016
Friday Mar 18, 2016
Are you finding yourself again, but feeling a little guilty about it? In this episode, I talk about this and more as I ramble through my millionaire meditation and gratitude, emotional flu and taking care of yourself, leaks and symbols, and my first great adventure out on my own. I hope these stories resonate and help you gain insight into yourself.

Thursday Mar 10, 2016
Ep 10: Ten Things You Wish You Knew Before Widowhood
Thursday Mar 10, 2016
Thursday Mar 10, 2016
What do you wish you knew? What would other widows tell you? This is a recap of what other widows have told me they wish they knew when they first became widowed. Amazingly it was not how to file appropriate papers or phoning financial institutions. You might be surprised to hear these insights. Joann Filomena is Joann The Life Coach, widowed at the end of 2014 and sharing experiences and insights from the heart after that first year as a widow. Website: http://joannthelifecoach.com Contact Joann: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com

Friday Mar 04, 2016
Ep 9: Clearing Out Right Away?
Friday Mar 04, 2016
Friday Mar 04, 2016
Have you felt that you should clear out closets right away, or are you unable to even open the closet door yet? This and "the widow dream" discussed in this episode. Website: http://joannthelifecoach.com Contact Joann: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com

Friday Feb 19, 2016
Ep 8: The Importance of Support
Friday Feb 19, 2016
Friday Feb 19, 2016
Only another widow can know exactly what you are experiencing. There is no better support than connecting with another widow. Website: http://joannthelifecoach.com Contact Joann: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com