
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Special Announcement Widow Coaches Class
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Quick announcement for opening the doors on the next class session! If you have been considering becoming a certified widow coach, please reach out to me at joann@joannthelifecoach.com Get on my mailing list at http://joannthelifecoach.com/coaching

Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Ep 81 Widow Coaches Class Lesson 6 Future Focus
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Are you mostly focused on the past, the present or the future? Where your thoughts are focusing can hugely affect how you feel about your life. Continuing with the widow coaches class series to share bits of what is learned in certification as a widow coach we are looking at future focus versus past focus. Find out how to begin to shift your focus to get the most potential in living. http://joannthelifecoach.com

Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Ep 80 Widow Coach Class Lesson 5 Asking a Better Question
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Welcome to an introduction to class 5 that I teach in Widow Coach Certification training. Class 5 is all about coaching questions. In this episode, I want to share with you the art of asking yourself a better question and why you would want to do this. Tune in to learn about how your amazing, beautiful brain can work for you. Do you think you might want to become a coach? Check out my site at http://joannthelifecoach.com or go directly to http://widowcoaches.com

Thursday Apr 05, 2018
Ep 79 Widow Coaches Class Lesson 4 Feelings
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
Welcome to an introduction to class 4 that I teach in Widow Coach Certification training. We tackle feelings, how we react to our feelings and how we can process our feelings. You truly can feel better. I can teach you how! Reach out to me in email at joann@joannthelifecoach.com or follow me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/joannthelifecoach/ My website is: http://joannthelifecoach.com

Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Ep 78 Widow Coaches Class Lesson 3
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Six basic human needs is a tool I learned from Tony Robbins. When I applied this for myself after becoming widowed, it was such a game changer. I teach this to every widow coach that I certify. Join me to hear about class #3 that I teach in Widow Coaches Class. Do you think you might want to become a coach? Check out my site at http://joannthelifecoach.com or reach out to me at joann@joannthelifecoach.com

Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Ep 77 Reverse Engineer Your Life
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
When you become widowed, your entire life is up in the air. It is like widowhood has erased all your future plans. Grief envelopes you and it takes some time before you can start to focus on the world around you again. But when you are ready, how do you figure out where you are headed? How do you get one foot in front of the other again? Reverse engineering. What is it and how can it apply to your life - Join me on this one. Email: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com Website: http://joannthelifecoach.com

Sunday Mar 18, 2018
Ep 76 Widow Coaches Class Lesson 2
Sunday Mar 18, 2018
Sunday Mar 18, 2018
Continuing the series of 12 lessons that are taught in Widow Coaches Class, today's podcast lesson is about belief systems, what they are, how to recognize your own belief systems, and how to begin to shift your beliefs and the results in your life. How do you move forward in your life when you are working through this grief? Today's podcast puts you right on that path. Host, Joann Filomena, can be reached at joann@joannthelifecoach.com email. Visit the website: http://joannthelifecoach.com

Friday Mar 09, 2018
Ep 75 The Widow Coaches Class Lesson 1
Friday Mar 09, 2018
Friday Mar 09, 2018
Becoming a certified life coach changed my life and I want to share that with all of you. The next 12 episodes of Widow Cast will be about just that. The lessons shared in The Widow Coaches Class. It is work that can help you work through this and find you again. This is help for widows. This episode covers the coaching thought model and how to separate out story from fact. It is where you start to break down what you are telling yourself in your mind. Email contact: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com More information about this at: http://widowcoaches.com

Friday Mar 02, 2018
Ep 74 Don't Tell Yourself That Your Life is Over
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Have you told yourself your life is over? You'll never be happy again? Today learn about confirmation bias and what that has to do with it. Confirmation bias is an amazing thing to think about. It can cloud our vision, but if we make it work for us, it can give us vision. Reach out to me at joann@joannthelifecoach.com or visit my site: http://Joannthelifecoach.com

Sunday Feb 18, 2018
EP 73 Why I Do What I Do
Sunday Feb 18, 2018
Sunday Feb 18, 2018
Today I wanted to share why I do what I do as a life coach and widow coach. This podcast was based on the live video broadcast on my YouTube channel: Joann The Life Coach TV. If you want to check out the video of this podcast, click on this link and remember to subscribe! Joann The Life Coach TV If you want to know more about widow coach certification, go to http://widowcoaches.com

Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Ep 72 Processing Your Feelings
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Welcome to something a little different for this episode about how to process all the emotions you are experiencing when you lose your spouse. This podcast was broadcast live as video on YouTube on my new channel there: Joann The Life Coach TV. If you want to check out the video of this podcast, click on this link and remember to subscribe! Joann The Life Coach TV If you want to know more about widow coach certification, go to http://widowcoaches.com

Monday Jan 15, 2018
EP 71 Finding Your Path of Passion
Monday Jan 15, 2018
Monday Jan 15, 2018
Find your passion and what you are truly good at, and begin doing THAT as your life path. I share how life coaching had been a focus of my entire life and what I studied from a young age. It is in my very DNA. Coach others based on what you have experienced and what you are passionate about. Is it too late in life to build your own business and career? No way - not in the age of social media. Tune in and learn more. email: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com Find out more about widow coach certification at http://widowcoaches.com

Thursday Dec 21, 2017
Ep 70 The Feeling of Fear
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
Fear. We all experience this after we lose our spouse. Fear over many things. Fear of being alone. Fear of what is happening with our finances. Fear of facing work. Fear of what our kids are going through. Can you get past the fear without being paralyzed and stuck in it? You bet you can. email: Joann@JoannTheLifeCoach.com Widow Coach Certification information: http://widowcoaches.com

Friday Dec 15, 2017
Ep 69 Holidays and a New Year Ahead
Friday Dec 15, 2017
Friday Dec 15, 2017
Holidays. I’m seeing posts on widow sites about how tragic the holidays feel. Posts about the pain. How it’s extra tough to pretend to be okay. How hurtful the happiness of others is. Wow. Is this what we should focus on for ourselves? How does it serve a widow to read about how painful and lonely it can be during the holidays when you are missing your spouse? Not me. I’m going to challenge you. It might be equally uncomfortable, but with an actual positive result. Because that is what I’m all about. Getting you RESULTS in your life. Helping you find your strength. Let's head into 2018 together. email: Joann@JoannTheLifeCoach.com

Monday Dec 04, 2017
Ep 68 When the Universe Conspires
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Monday Dec 04, 2017
When the universe conspires to point you in a specific direction or set you down in the right place at the right time, it can be so amazing. Stories of the universe conspiring on my behalf and where we might be headed in 2018. email: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com Find out more about widow coach certification at: http://WidowCoaches.com