
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Ep 111 What Makes You Angry as a Widow?
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Widows, when people ask, "How are you?" do you tighten up? How about when another widow posts, "Welcome to the club no one wants to belong to" or that "no one chooses?" We all have triggers. Our grief as a widow is going to take us there. I totally get it because I get triggered too. Let's take a closer look at what is going on within us and how we can identify what makes us feel like that. Would you like to know how to absolutely feel better about it without choking the next person who says it? Join me as I explain how we can choose how we want to feel. It can be life changing, grief changing, even leading you to your best life. Check out https://widowcoachingcenter.com You can email me at Joann@joannthelifecoach.com Find me on Facebook in our group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WIDOWEDbookclub/

Friday Feb 15, 2019
Ep 110 Widows Facing Fear
Friday Feb 15, 2019
Friday Feb 15, 2019
As widows, we all experience different levels of fear. Fear of being alone, fear of doing things on our own, fear of having enough, fear of not being "okay." When do you feel fearful? Have there been things you might like to do, but the fear keeps you inside a bubble of comfort? Today, I want to talk to you about how you can feel fear - even SHOULD feel fear; and still go after the life you want to create. Check out the new membership at https://widowcoachingcenter.com email: Joann@JoannTheLifeCoach.com .

Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Ep 109 The Discomfort of Grief vs The Discomfort of Personal Growth
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Widows experience the deep discomfort of grief, but there is another kind of emotional discomfort that you should welcome into your life - the discomfort of experiencing personal growth. We can allow and yes, even welcome a little emotional discomfort when we know the pay off is going to be exhilarating. Jump in to listen and learn more! Email: Joann@JoannTheLifeCoach.com Website: https://joannthelifecoach.com Get on my list at http://widowcoaches.com

Friday Jan 04, 2019
Ep 108 Ten Reasons Why You Should Hire a Life Coach
Friday Jan 04, 2019
Friday Jan 04, 2019
Life coaching is such a new industry, but I think it is one of the most critically important new industries to arise in our culture. Because it is still a new industry, there are many questions around it. I looked it up in general - why should someone work with a coach (I know why I think so, but I wanted to see what is the word on the street). There was an excellent article listing ten reasons to work with a life coach. This article was not directed specifically to widows, but astonishingly every single one of the ten points listed apply to widows. Not one of the reasons you should hire a life coach. Not a couple of the reasons. ALL the reasons. Listen in and see if you agree. I feel working with a life coach for a new perspective on your life is critical for everyone in our world. email: Joann@JoannTheLifeCoach.com Website: https://joannthelifecoach.com Membership site: https://widowcoachingcenter.com .

Friday Dec 28, 2018
Ep 107 Widows Put Your Brain to Work For You
Friday Dec 28, 2018
Friday Dec 28, 2018
Put your brain to work FOR you!! You can take your thinking and brainstorming to the next level, just by asking your brain great questions. Let's head into the new year deciding what it is we want more of in our life for next year and putting our brain to work on 10 great ideas to make those things a reality in your life. Email me at joann@joannthelifecoach.com Website: https://joannthelifecoach.com Membership Site: https://widowcoachingcenter.com

Friday Dec 21, 2018
Ep 106 Widows Doing B- Work
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Friday Dec 21, 2018
What does B- work have to do with being widowed? This may not mean at all what you think it might! Sometimes B- work is exactly what you need to be doing. Email: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com Membership Site: https://widowcoachingcenter.com

Saturday Dec 15, 2018
Ep 105 How to Have a Better Life
Saturday Dec 15, 2018
Saturday Dec 15, 2018
As a widow do you wonder how to make your life better now that you are on your own? As you have been moving through this journey of grief, have you felt like something has to change - somehow this has to get better? On today's episode, I share with you how to make your life better. If you are interested in learning to life coach, go to http://widowcoaches.com I can be reached at joann@joannthelifecoach.com

Friday Nov 23, 2018
Ep 104 Widows Judging and Being Judged
Friday Nov 23, 2018
Friday Nov 23, 2018
Widows are judged by society, judged by family, judged by friends, judged by themselves, and even judged by other widows. Sometimes it seems a competition among widows for who is the saddest or who has the most heart-breaking story to tell. Let's raise each other up! Time to change the discourse! You can reach me at Joann@joannthelifecoach.com or https://Joannthelifecoach.com

Friday Nov 16, 2018
Ep 103 Widowed Holidays
Friday Nov 16, 2018
Friday Nov 16, 2018
Are you dreading the holidays without your spouse? As widows, the holidays can be a very difficult and depressing time of year. Do you wonder how you will get through the holidays with this sadness? Remember that Thanksgiving is a day. Christmas is a day. Hanukkah extends for 8 days, but for most it is most celebrated on the first day. We tend to experience the most dread and sadness in anticipation of what those days are going to be like, rather than the actual day. In this episode, let's explore what really works to handle the holiday period better. website: https://Joannthelifecoach.com email: Joann@Joannthelifecoach.com

Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Ep 102 I've Walked the Walk
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Newer listeners may not know much about this podcaster! So this episode is my way to let you know that I have walked the walk. A little of my own history and how I finally felt that I would be okay in this new season of life. So join me on this episode and learn how this entire movement of certifying widows as widow life coaches came about. email: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com Website: https://joannthelifecoach.com

Thursday Oct 18, 2018
Ep 101 How to Sleep
Thursday Oct 18, 2018
Thursday Oct 18, 2018
As widows, the inability to fall asleep and/or stay asleep is a real and serious issue. Sleep is critical to our health, both our physical health and our mental health. Yet it may be a serious challenge after losing your spouse. In today's episode, Joann talks about the thoughts that can keep you from being able to sleep, as well as practical applications that can help you finally get to sleep. Email: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com Website: http://joannthelifecoach.com

Friday Oct 05, 2018
Ep 100 Complicated Grief
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Topic of Complicated Grief as requested by YOU! Is complicated grief a diagnosis and what does it mean? I would love to do more shows "by request." Reach out in email to Joann@JoannTheLifeCoach.com and let me know what you would love to have addressed on the podcast. Visit my website: http://joannthelifecoach.com

Friday Sep 28, 2018
Ep 99 You Can't Create Someone Else's Outcome
Friday Sep 28, 2018
Friday Sep 28, 2018
If your thoughts create the results in your life, does that mean your thoughts can create someone's else's result? Today I explain why this is not possible - or even desirable! I'm also sharing with you how it is that we can become stuck in an uncomfortable comfort zone. Email: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com Website: http://joannthelifecoach.com

Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Ep 98 You Will be Okay
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Are you a new widow, recently widowed, or just still struggling? This episode is a step back to speak directly to those new widows who have just found Widow Cast. This podcast has been a reflection of my own 3-1/2 year journey, so I have carried you all forward with me through the episodes. But on this episode, I want to discuss some of the questions I'm asked by new widows and answer them for you.

Thursday Sep 06, 2018
Ep 97 Money Beliefs That Can Hold You Back
Thursday Sep 06, 2018
Thursday Sep 06, 2018
What are all the thoughts and beliefs that we've picked up throughout our life about money? Can these old, old beliefs and "sayings" influence your ability to support yourself now? Listen in and find out as Joann shares all the insights triggered by a "Wealthy vs Not Wealthy" meme she saw posted on Facebook. Reach out in email: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com Website: http://joannthelifecoach.com