
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Ep 126 Widow to Widow
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Sometimes I listen to the "Bob and Sheri Show" on radio and find them delightful. Today I share their "Cone of Safety" and what that means in terms of helping another widow. Yes, DO reach out, widow to widow. Today I will tell you the best way to help her. email: Joann@JoannTheLifeCoach.com Membership site: https://widowcoachingcenter.com

Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Ep 125 Asking The Big Questions
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Widows - have you been finding BIG questions coming up in your mind? The kind of questions we rare ask in the normal hustle bustle of life. But nothing is "normal" anymore for us. After Jim suddenly died and as the weeks began to pass, I started asking the BIG questions.
Who am I now?
What is the meaning of all this?
Why did Jim die when he did?
Why am I still here and he’s not?
What am I doing here?
What’s my purpose?
What’s the *MEANING* of all this?
Is there really a God with a design and a master plan?
The answers did not come all at once. But slowly I was able to start unraveling the answers. It started with toilet paper and a box of jigsaw puzzles. No kidding.
You can email me at joann@joannthelifecoach.com Join the subscription site at https://widowcoachingcenter.com

Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Ep 124 Widows - No One is Coming to Save You
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Here’s the thing. No one is coming to save you. Not your friends. Not your family. Not even your kids. There comes a time in the process of the exquisite grief that follows losing your life partner when you have to stand up and start putting one foot in front of the other. You have to save yourself. SAVE YOURSELF. Listen today to see where you begin, and how important this is! Subscription membership to get started: https://widowcoachingcenter.com Email me: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com

Thursday May 30, 2019
Ep 123 Widows Can Increase Their Happiness Level
Thursday May 30, 2019
Thursday May 30, 2019
Widows are experiencing traumatic loss, but that does not necessarily mean you are in psychosis and need help to not be in misery. But it does mean that we could use some help in boosting our happiness levels. There are many ways for normal population who are not in need of a psychologist to boost their happiness levels. This afternoon I share a couple of intriguing examples you can apply in your own life and increase your levels of happiness! Email: Joann@JoannTheLifeCoach.com Subscription site: https://widowcoachingcenter.com

Thursday May 23, 2019
Ep 122 The Widow Pass
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
Newly widowed and feeling like you've gone insane? No, you're not insane - you're in a state of shock. Listen in today as I share with you some of my own experiences in the early days after becoming widowed and one very important fact . . . . . . you get a pass. A widow pass. I promise. Reach out to me at Joann@JoannTheLifeCoach.com Subscription site: https://widowcoachingcenter.com

Thursday May 16, 2019
Ep 121 How to Feel Better About Your Life Right Now
Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
Deepak Chopra said, "The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years." He is close to the truth, but the absolute truth is that the way you think, the way you behave and the way you eat can influence how you FEEL about life right NOW. Those extra years are just a bonus. As a widow, we need what can help us rebuild who we are and our life. Email: Joann@JoannTheLifeCoach.com Subscription site: https://widowcoachingcenter.com

Thursday May 09, 2019
Ep 120 Are Money Beliefs Holding You Back?
Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
As a widow, are you suddenly faced with financial issues and overwhelming fears about your security? What is the one thing that will factor into whether you're going to be okay financially without your spouse or not? It is your beliefs about money and what it is to be widowed. There are underlying beliefs that you probably picked up as a kid and then never questioned that can absolutely hold you back in terms of money. Here's how to discovered what your beliefs are and just how some very basic and common money beliefs will limit your ability to support yourself. Want to learn more on your journey through grief? Go check out https://widowcoachingcenter.com email me at Joann@joannthelifecoach.com

Thursday May 02, 2019
Ep 119 Letting Go of Their Things
Thursday May 02, 2019
Thursday May 02, 2019
Grief and the fear of letting go can paralyze you. When do you go through their things - HOW do you let go? It feels like betrayal somehow. It feels like we are letting go of THEM. Listen today as Joann shares how to let of things without letting go of our loved ones. Membership site: https://widowcoachingcenter.com Email: Joann@Joannthelifecoach.com Website: https://joannthelifecoach.com

Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Ep 118 When Your Identity Has Been Shattered
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Widows tell me, "I don't even know who I am now!" It was one of the most surprising things to me after my husband suddenly died. I felt like I had always been a strong personality, quite independent and strong willed. But after that sudden loss, it was like I was a new baby wandering in the wilderness. Not only do we lose our beloved life partner, we also lose our sense of self. You are not alone and it does not have to become a permanent condition. Membership Website: https://widowcoachingcenter.com Email: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com

Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Ep 117 Widow - What Does The Word Mean to You?
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
The very word "widow" brings so much emotion for each of us. Do you recall the first time you had to check a box next to "widowed?" I've noticed what other widows are saying about what the word widow means to them. Let's explore how widows and even society at large defines what it means to be a widow, and then let's talk about how we can redefine that word and make it our own. Let's reinvent that word even as we begin to reinvent ourselves and our lives after loss. Widow Coaching Center: https://widowcoachingcenter.com Email: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com

Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Ep 116 Pushing Down the Pain of Grief
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Are you ignoring the pain of loss, pushing it down, telling yourself “I’m okay, I got this?” This is a definite trend in widowhood. We think we can just tie on our red cape and push forward. But all that bottled up emotional pain is going to push right back in ways you cannot even imagine. Continuing on even in the best of circumstances is not necessarily the same as thriving on life. Start by learning the difference in how you look at what you are feeling. Reach out in email to Joann@joannthelifecoach.com Website: http://joannthelifecoach.com

Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Ep 115 Five Tips for Self Coaching
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
I teach the thought model to all my clients and especially in detail to my widow coaching students. This is the most powerful tool I've ever learned to create the life I want. My students tell me over and over again how life changing these concepts are to learn. In this episode I share five tips for self coaching that correspond to the coaching model. It is a way to share these concepts in a new light. I hope you learn at least one new thing from this podcast today! Go deeper with this kind of work by joining the membership at https://widowcoachingcenter.com If you are considering widow coaching as a direction for your life, go learn more at https://widowcoaches.com As always, you can reach out to me in email at Joann@joannthelifecoach.com

Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Ep 114 What Will be the Ending of Your Next Chapter?
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Let's talk about stuck in the in-between, what that means and how to move out of the in-between into your next chapter as a widow. I think the in-between feels like being in the "upside down" like the kids on Stranger Things. On this episode I outline a couple of steps in self-coaching and what that means for writing the next chapter of your life. Email: Joann@joannthelifecoach.com Website: https://joannthelifecoach.com Membership: https://widowcoachingcenter.com

Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Ep 113 Lists You Want to Make
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
As a widow, we are confronted with mind-boggling lists about what to do, what not to do, and what we need. Death certificates, bank accounts, bills, insurance papers. You are in shock, you are in a fog, or even if it has been years, these lists just make your stomach sick or makes you want to hide under covers. But what about the lists that will really help you get through the fog. The lists that can help you begin to rebuild the pieces of your life. That's what I want to talk about today. Reach out to me at Joann@JoannTheLifeCoach.com Check out https://widowcoachingcenter.com

Friday Mar 08, 2019
Ep 112 Widow Money Mind Drama
Friday Mar 08, 2019
Friday Mar 08, 2019
WIDOWS AND MONEY DRAMA. Many widows are suffering from the beliefs we were raised with about money; but they don't even feel like beliefs - it just feels like "not enough." Today's episode explains how money can be easier, without all the drama. Money for nothing and the drama is free . . . . Check out the membership site: https://widowcoachingcenter.com It's INcredible!!! Email me at Joann@JoannTheLifeCoach.com .